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- Cytokinopathy with aberrant cytotoxic lymphocytes and profibrotic myeloid response in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-associated myocarditis Rare immune-mediated cardiac tissue inflammation can occur after vaccination, including after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines. However, the underlying immune cellular and molecular mechanisms driving this pathology remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated a cohort of patients who developed myocarditis and/or pericarditis with elevated troponin, B-type natriuretic peptide, and C-reactive protein levels as well as cardiac imaging abnormalities shortly after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.
- How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine Whether you’ve had a COVID injection or the natural infection, you likely have dangerous spike protein remaining in your tissues and organs, including your brain.
- Dr. Cotton's Slides on Regulatory Malfeasance by the COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Evaluation of the methodical practices implemented in the Pfizer/BioNtech trials in the development of its COVID-19 RNA-messenger vaccine in relations to Good Clinical Practices.
- COVID-19 Can Make the Brain Age by 2 Decades; Here’s 1 Way to Reverse Aging A new British study recently found that the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (i.e. Wuhan strain) can impair cognitive ability in a way equivalent to making the brain age by two decades. Currently, 67 percent of the world’s population has been vaccinated against the COVID-19 pandemic. Is it possible that the vaccines themselves can also cause aging damage? Nevertheless, there’s no need to worry, aging is proven to be a process, and there is a way to help reverse the aging process.
- Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) provides natural immunity against reinfection. Recent studies have shown waning of the immunity provided by the BNT162b2 vaccine. The time course of natural and hybrid immunity is unknown.
- Official Data shows Children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the ONS is trying to hide it The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.
- The Truth About COVID The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
- Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe Masking was the single most common non-pharmaceutical intervention in the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Most countries have implemented recommendations or mandates regarding the use of masks in public spaces. The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe. Data from 35 European countries on morbidity, mortality, and mask usage during a six-month period were analysed and crossed.
- 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events Informed Choice Australia made a list of ‘peer-reviewed’ medical papers submitted to various medical journals, showing extensive evidence of adverse events in the COVID-19 vaccines.
- Over 1 Million Deaths and Injuries Following COVID “Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as Second Year of “Experimental Use Authorization” Begins The deaths and injuries following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” continue at an unprecedented rate as we now enter the second year of their “emergency use authorization.”
- Thousands of Miscarriages Following COVID-19 Injections Reported in VAERS are Being Censored as an Entire Generation is Being Sterilized Now that we have a full year of injecting people with an experimental gene altering shot for COVID-19, we can conclusively state that this is most definitely a weapon of mass destruction, as it not only kills and cripples people in the present, but it destroys unborn children in the womb as well, and is most likely making an entire generation of child-bearing aged females infertile.
- Genital necrosis with cutaneous thrombosis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination Thrombosis is a rare complication of COVID-19 vaccines that typically affects cerebral and visceral vessels. However, skin involvement is largely unknown. Here, we describe a case of genital necrosis associated with cutaneous thrombosis following COVID-19 vaccination.
- Wisconsin ESSER funding payout by school district Wisconsin ESSER funding payout by school district. It requires the school to file a report every 6 months through September 2023 documenting how they are enforcing mask use, social distancing, quarantine and increasing vaccination rates or they lose the money they already received.
- Aj DePriest uncovers the enormous Covid bribes to all education and hospitals from the US government This link explains how schools and hospitals have been financially incentivized to put forth covid protocols, regardless of the fact they are harmful.
- Covid-19 Treatment Protocol - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.
- Proof that Ivermectin is approved for Covid-19 Treatment from NIH Proof that Ivermectin is approved for Covid-19 Treatment from NIH
- Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination It is essential to account for adverse vaccine effects during the period of vaccination. Most publications on COVID19-vaccination in Israel only refer to the period after full vaccination. This is misleading and tantamount to only tell cancer patients their survival rates after they survived a successful treatment. Standard estimations of treatment success include risks during the treatment, which is often a period of increased risks, as suggested below.
- FDA document reveals 86% of children who participated in Pfizer covid vaccine trial experienced adverse reactions A publicly-available FDA “fact sheet” document reveals that 86% of children who participated in a Pfizer covid vaccine trial reported adverse reactions ranging from “mild” to “serious.”
- A Comprehensive List of All COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients The UC Health Pharmacy team breaks down the ingredients of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine ingredients — why they’re included, and where else you might see them.
- MedRxiv Study: Hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased COVID survival rate by almost three times The study “looked at 255 COVID19 patients who required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) during the first two months of the US pandemic. Through comprehensive, longitudinal evaluation and new consideration of all the data, we were able to better describe and understand factors affecting outcome after intubation."
- Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use” The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID “Vaccine” and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical “SM-102.”The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as “NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE”Here is the information published by the Connecticut Department of Health about the Moderna COVID Vaccine, which lists its INGREDIENTS:
- Insurance Pays Pediatricians a Bounty for Every Fully Vaccinated Child Under that program, if a pediatrician is able to convince 63% of the parents of children to receive the full schedule of the ten (10) listed vaccines prior to the child’s second birthday, the pediatrician will receive a $400 bounty per patient from Blue Cross Blue Shield. This is a perverse monetary incentive for pediatricians to push for childhood vaccines. By the way, this is only one of the incentive programs being run by one insurance company in Michigan. There are no doubt many others.
- Former Top Pfizer Scientist Michael Yeadon Claims COVID Vaccines May Cause Infertility In Women Within a Stay Of Action petition filed with the European Medicines Agency requesting that the Phase III Trials in Germany be suspended until serious procedural flaws are corrected, Former Prizer Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, claims that the COVID vaccine has the potential to cause infertility in women, specifically that the Pfizer COVID vaccine as well as other COVID vaccines currently in Phase III trials.
- Why COVID-19 Vaccines Might Affect Fertility Striking similarity between human syncytins and the sars-cov-2 spike protein: Why covid-19 vaccines might affect fertility.
- Can the COVID Vaccine Affect Your Period? Some Women Say It's Changed Theirs—Here's What We Know Right Now Women are sharing personal stories about this on social media, so we asked experts if period changes could be a side effect of vaccination.
- Thousands of reports of menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction following COVID vaccines While the media have focused on blood clots, the UK has registered another phenomenon taking place after coronavirus vaccines.
- Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People Unintentional effects of the Covid-19 vaccines should be expected as the vaccines are still on trial until 2023, but many of these adverse effects have startled the unvaccinated.
- Italy Seize 400,000 Astrazeneca Vaccines/Manslaughter case, Moderna/Pfizer Produce Same Side Effect In a major development, Italy has seized 400,000 vials of AstraZenca Covid-19 vaccines in a manslaughter case that could change the trajectory of the Covid-19 vaccination program around the world.
- The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro Although several clinical trials are now underway to test possible therapies, the worldwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been largely limited to monitoring/containment. We report here that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2), with a single addition to Vero-hSLAM cells 2 h post infection with SARS-CoV-2 able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h. Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans.
- Dissenting The Vaccine with Dr. Andy Wakefield Recent polls show that 51% of Americans will delay or refuse the Covid Vaccine. Why are people refusing? Join Tim Ray as he interviews one of the frontrunners fighting the tragedies and dangers of these vaccines; Dr. Andy Wakefield, a physician, author, and award-winning filmmaker on Frequency Wars. They discuss The COVID-19 vaccine and what our future will look like in the coming years if the vaccine agenda is fully realized, and most importantly, what we can do to save humanity from a dystopian future!
- Masks do more harm This short monograph contains conclusive proof that face masks do more harm than good, and being forced to wear them is a form of oppression designed to have adverse physical and psychological effects upon the wearers rather than having any protective value.
- Human Guinea Pigs Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals
- It’s Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine Dr. David Martin, founder and chairman of M-CAM Inc, challenges our presuppositions about the new mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Quoting the pharmaceutical companies themselves, David suggests that these are not vaccines, but, in actuality, gene therapy. He explains what the vaccines may do to us, what they are promising they can do for us, and how to distinguish the difference.
- Questioning the safety of the mRNA vaccine Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Prof. Dolores Cahill lawyer Viviane Fischer questioning the safety of the mRNA vaccine.
- Antiparasitic drug Ivermectin kills coronavirus in 48 hours Around the world, scientists race to develop a vaccine or treatment against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Now, a team of researchers has found that a drug already available around the world can kill the coronavirus in a lab setting in just 48 hours.
- Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 2 When the coronavirus vaccine is injected, the mRNA contains “instructions” for building the spike protein that has been identified on the surface of the SARS-CoV2 virus. The cell’s reverse transcriptase enzymes are called into action, leading to the mass production of the spike (S) protein, the protein thought to play a vital role in its infectivity. However, is this a good thing?
- Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 1 In December 2020, the first vaccines for coronavirus disease were granted an EUA – Emergency Use Authorization – by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Vaccine administration began immediately. Were you first in line? I hope you were not, and no one you care about was either.
- Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments in Development This link provides information on Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments in Development (Updated Dec 17, 2020).
- Sequential CQ / HCQ Research Papers and Reports (January to April 20, 2020) The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, appears to be a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagious infectivity in most cases.