Where there is risk, there MUST BE CHOICE!
Who are we?
Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice is a non partisan group that promotes fully informed & educated decisions concerning vaccines. We support each individual’s constitutional right to vaccine exemption for personal and or religious reasons and the quest to be free of vaccine mandates.
New vaccines in the pipeline
View the list of vaccines under development
Vaccine injury is real.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has paid out $3.3 Billion for vaccine injuries and deaths over the last twenty years. Payouts have exploded to – $220 million a year over last six years, since the push for the flu shot, with over 300 pending vaccine injury and death cases.
The flu vaccine is now known to be the most dangerous vaccine based on injuries and deaths compensated by the U.S. government. Vaccines are so defective that Congress prevents victims of vaccine injury and death from suing vaccine manufacturers.
That’s a red flag!
Safety of Flu Shots Not Established
- Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers.”
- “…has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential.”
Regarding the safety and effectiveness of each vaccine insert tells a different story. If you are deciding to give a flu shot to your child this year, it is important to understand the safety research, or lack of, for their specific shot (as well as all others).
- Flubok: “Safety and effectiveness in children 3 years to less than 18 years of age have not been established.”
- Flucelvax: “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in children less than 18 years of age.”
- Fluzone: “Safety and effectiveness in children below the age of 6 months have not been established.”
- Fluvirin: “The safety and immunogenicity have not been established in children under 4 years of age.”
- FluLaval: “Safety and effectiveness in children younger than 3 years have not been established.”
- Afluria: “…not approved for use in children less than 5 years of age.”
- Fluarix: “…not approved for use in children younger than 3 years.”
- Fluvirin: “The safety and immunogenicity have not been established in children under 4 years of age.”
Where there is risk, there MUST BE CHOICE!
More people are killed by vaccines than by the diseases themselves. A parent’s right to choose what goes into their children’s bodies should never ever be threatened by government.
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