Our personal exemptions option, or personal choice to not vaccinate, is being threatened under LRB-0312/1.

See below for information and talking points to use when contacting your legislator about this important issue! We have also included a link to find out who your local elected officials are, if you do not already know.

Please share and network with friends, family and colleagues to send letters and to join Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice.

White Paper on Vaccine Safety to Legislators, Educators, Medical Professionals, and others

The team at Informed Consent Action Network worked very hard to create a White Paper to be used to educate legislators, educators, medical professionals and others on the lack of vaccine safety. We are happy to provide this to the public free of charge. Click here to access the white paper (PDF).

Ideas for emails and letters to your legislator:

Use the talking points found below to craft an email or letter to your local elected officials. Don’t know who they are? See the section below this one for a link and instructions on how to find out.

Talking Points for Wisconsin Bill to Remove Exemptions for Vaccination

  1. Removal of exemptions means there is no informed-consent. The AMA Code of Ethics requires Informed Consent, According to the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, “The physician has an ethical obligation to help the patient make choices from among the therapeutic alternatives consistent with good medical practice. Informed consent is a basic policy in both ethics and law that physicians must honor, unless the patient is unconscious or otherwise incapable of consenting and harm from failure to treat is imminent.”
  2. If there is a risk, there must be a choice. The U.S. government has paid out $3 billion for vaccine injuries under the National Vaccine Compensation Program, where only a portion of claims were ever awarded. See vaccine injury table. Why doesn’t the pressure go to the vaccine makers for failing to make a product that is safe and effective?
    $61 Million Dollar Settlement Issued for Child Vaccine Injury
  3. Medical mandates, or any mandates, do not belong in a free society.
  4. In a 2012 ruling on the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, the U.S. Supreme Court said that the federal government’s authority over interstate commerce does not permit it to compel individual action. It cannot force anyone to hold health insurance.
  5. In February 2011, the Supreme Court ruled 6-2 to uphold federal law that shields vaccine makers from suits filed in state courts seeking compensation for injuries or deaths due allegedly to avoidable design problems with the vaccines. Instead, the court said, people who claim injuries need to go through a special no-fault federal vaccine court. What other industry enjoys a shield of liability to injuries and deaths resulting from its products?
  6. Denial of exemptions could also cause significant constitutional problems for government. Under the 10th Amendment’s anti-commandeering doctrine, the federal government cannot force states to pass laws to its pleasing.
  7. In order to assure HHS meets its vaccine safety obligations, Congress required as part of the 1986 Act that the Secretary of HHS submit a biennial reports to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety made by HHS in the preceding two years. HHS admitted that it never submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety. HHS is operating illegally.
  8. Rampant conflicts of interest in the vaccine approval process has been the subject of several Congressional hearings, and a recent Congressional report concluded that the pharmaceutical industry has indeed exerted undue influence on mandatory vaccine legislation toward its own financial interests.
  9. The CDC’s “Contraindications and Precautions of the ACIP” lists “the conditions under which vaccines should not be administered.” And yet, under legislated mandates, vaccines would still be required.
  10. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can catch the measles and both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the measles, so what good is a mandatory measles shot?
  11. Courts continue to rule that exemptions are not constitutionally required, without understanding that the purpose of the Constitution was to prevent government overreach of personal freedoms and rights.

Who are my representatives?

Visit this page to view a map of Wisconsin elected officials. Zoom into the area where you live (if necessary) and click on your area to get the names and contact information of your local state Assembly and Senate members.
