Week 5 – Email Campaign

Our personal exemptions option, or personal choice to not vaccinate, is being threatened under Assembly Bill AB924.

Copy and paste this letter (and any endnotes) into an email to your legislators today! Don’t forget to add your name and address to the bottom.


Dear Legislator,

Vaccination is not immunization. The terms are not interchangeable.

Immunization comes from natural infection, builds cellular life-long immunity, and leaves the body stronger. Vaccination produces only antibodies, does not activate cellular immunity, is temporary, and can and does cause serious damage to the body. The list of symptoms and illnesses from vaccines are listed on the package inserts.[1] Victims of vaccine damage are compensated by government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

It is often said that vaccination helped eradicate polio. That is a lie. According to records in the United States and Europe, the incidence of polio increased by 50% after mass immunization was introduced. The incidence of polio had, however, fallen dramatically before the first polio vaccine was introduced.

In fact, 90-95% of infectious disease declined prior to vaccination due to improved sanitation, improved nutrition, and improved hygiene.


Today, the only polio cases being reported are vaccine related cases of polio and paralytic disease known as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP).[2]

Contrary to claims by the CDC that vaccines have eradicated infectious disease, a 2014 report released by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) shows the opposite to be true. The CFR map identifies countries with the highest infectious disease outbreaks are the most highly vaccinated populations around the world. This was especially true for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and pertussis outbreaks in the U.S, Canada, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, as well India and Africa where GAVI implemented vaccine campaigns.[3]


In the U.S., Missouri, the state with the highest vaccination rate, and strictest mandates, also has the highest infant mortality rate.[4]

These vaccines (including the polio vaccine used in India) contain live viruses and are known to spread infectious disease through shedding. In this way, vaccines are vectors of disease, not preventions.

Where there known risk to medical products such as vaccines, there must be choice. As a public servant, your role is to maintain choice for all. Removal of personal exemption to vaccines must be opposed.





[1] http://www.immunize.org/packageinserts/
[2] http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2015/06/26/indias-victory-over-polio-has-an-unexpected-consequence/
[3] http://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2015/01/05/council-foreign-relations-disease-map-highest-disease-amongst-vaccinated-countries/
[4] http://www.americashealthrankings.org/MO/IMR

